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What's My Line?

I’ve both been in and directed a couple of amateur productions. And I can tell you, there is nothing like showing up and not knowing your lines. Line please! And sure, sometimes adlibbing works out, but more times than not it doesn’t, and you’re left feeling unprepared to say the least. If you listened to today’s IG Post: Spoiler Alert (btw, follow me at, you know that you are God’s leading star in this thing called life and He has set the stage giving you dominion over everything thing under the sun in a setting we call Earth (Genesis 1:26). But did you also know, He has prepared a script equipped with your very lines? Luke 12:12 says, “The Holy Spirit will give you the words to say at the moment when you need them.” Holy snap! Game changer, I know.

But what does that really mean? It means that you do not have to go this thing alone. If you think back, how many situations have you encountered where you wish you would have said something different? That that thing that happened, merely started with one wrong word or one very wrong phrase and spiraled quickly out of control. All of which you regretted soon after they left your mouth, right? You are thinking about that one time right now, aren’t you? That thing that set something in motion and on the smallest scale it meant a foot in your mouth and/or a ruined day but on the larger end, it initiated divorce discussions or ended a business opportunity of a lifetime. Talk about the straw that broke the camel’s back. Either way, to really be certain whether you are grabbing ahold of and holding on to all that God has for you, one must allow God to give you the very words to say. I tell you the truth. It works.

I have taken to asking God for the words almost every-day for the last 20+ years. It has worked in the conference room and conference calls. It has worked across the table from an interviewer or interviewee. It has worked as I carefully craft my words to avoid an argument with my husband or sister. And by God, He will work for you too! I have talked about this to a few of my friends and they have experienced the same. For what ever reason, you know you don’t have the words to fully express yourself going into a situation, so you say a little prayer mid-stream. And boom! People think you are genius because of something you said, and you are not even sure where it came from. That’s it! You now have my secret. Now run and tell everyone you know. Perhaps they will be doing it too and the world will be better for it!

But seriously, the bottom line is. To God you are a superstar, His main character. He has created you in His image and even set the stage (Genesis 1:26). It was the first thing He sought out to do where you are concerned. He has even asked you not to worry about wardrobe and makeup (Mathew 6:25). And in John 1:1 He tells us that in the beginning there was the WORD. Within it, He gives us our instructions with which we must equip ourselves and renew our minds daily (Romans 12:2). But what is also critical is knowing that His Spirit is ever present and always willing to feed us a line or two when we are in need. You have only to whisper to the Holy one, “what’s my line (?)… please.”

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